Welcome to a rebroadcast of our last Resource Review from May last year. While not a well known book, This Bridges text is incredibly impactful for understanding God's Sovereignty in our lives.

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Teaching God's sovereignty while telling an autobiographical story is not something I had considered, till reading this book.

Bridges weaves his story into a teaching on how God can work in and through a life that purposefully allows Him to move people and things. He shares the most influential parts of his journey with candor and humility. From the end of World War II to his heart surgery in 2012, he shares how God plotted an unlikely path toward becoming one of the most influential authors in modern Christianity. Of course that statement may be up for debate, but I do not know many people who have not at least heard of The Pursuit of Holiness. His life moves in concert with the development an expansion of the ministry of the Navigators.